Sunday 13 May 2012

FacebookTimeline Apps/Tabs how to use them to maximise ROI

Facebook Timeline Tips & Tricks from Corrie D Marketing

How to use the tabs/apps on Timeline to promote and showcase your portfolio of products and services! 

We absolutely adore the new changes to Timeline Facebook which came into effect for every business page owner on 30th March 2012.

Facebook now gives you a fantastic opportunity to create customised tabs/apps (running directly along the top of your page under your cover image).

If you think of these tabs/apps as prime advertising positions running along the top of your page (premium position) you have two standard tabs "photos & likes." Each page receives these two tabs on the Facebook Timeline layout.

We trust you will see you have 4 tabs running along the top and a further 8 tabs running below, when you click the arrow total = 12 tabs. You can look at our example Facebook Apps/Tabs you will see our 12 visible tabs however we have 24 tabs in total the remaining 12 are invisible to visitors unless we move them into the top 12.

You can move these tabs.  If you don't know how to move your tabs around, you need to click on the drop down arrow to the right to expand your tabs and then right click on the top right hand corner of the tab - a pencil icon should come up on the top right hand corner, click it and a drop down menu of your other tabs/apps should be showing. Click the name of the tab from the drop down menu you want to swap with. Taaa-Daaaa! You should now have successfully switched your tabs around!

Tabs/apps can be used to as a portfolio of your services. The first tab on every page is the "photos" tab (you cannot switch this tab postition) but you can move your "likes". Our first two tabs are points of reference for our target audience (page owners/page admins) as we want to ensure that our target market to use our page is a useful reference point to keep coming back and paying return visits. WE create customised tabs/apps for companies (please click on the highlighted links) to view our own Facebook page as an example  Facebook Timeline Guide and a Facebook Marketing Live Stream

Example - we carry out 360 Degree Panoramic Virtual Tours ideally suited to the Travel, Tourism and Leisure Industry. We then embed these into customised tabs/apps we create for our clients Facebook and we also embed these into your website.

Customised tabs allow you to showcase your portfolio of services, we call this your marketing collateral, which we create for our clients. We have used our own page to showcase these, as an example of how you can market your company/brand online.

Marketing Collateral 

360 Degree Panoramic Virtual Tours - perfectly suited to the Travel, Tourism and Leisure industries eg. Marinas, Hotels, Property Developers and Holiday Park Owners. We can then embed the VT's within your website & within a customised Facebook App/Tab within your Facebook page. Virtual Tours offer 
a truly world wide platform once embedded within your Facebook and website. We can even insert speaker icons to make it a virtual guided tour (which is effectively open 24/7.  You can see an example in our Marina VT (Portavadie Marina Virtual Tour)

3D Gallery walls is another of our services we carried out for a number of our clients i.e. Magna Carte Barge and Portavadie Apartments. By using the slider along the bottom you can move the 3D Gallery wall to click on images you want to highlight. We trust you will see the image opens into a larger image on it's own and can then be made full screen size. An ideal way to show 250 images which saves users having to scroll through endless photos'/images which can become tedious and boring.

e-Brochures are a perfect way to get your offline brochure online. You may already have e-Brochures embedded within your website as a Downloadable PDF however we do not recommend this as the more steps/actions you ask visitors to take to your website, the less likely they are to carry it out - due to the distractive nature of internet browsing (incoming emails/Facebook etc).  Therefore it's much easier for visitors to view your brochure online as a 3D interactive page flip e-brochure as opposed to a downloadable PDF. We can even embed your YouTube videos into these. If you see click the link to our Jeuneusse Example

We also recommend you post to your page with industry relevant content and post often, using the 80/20 rule. 80% sharing content, 20% selling your own product/service. Facebook advise posting approximately 3-4 times per week. You can analyse using your Facebook Insights the best times to post by trying various times to post as we believe the best times to post will be different based on the type of business ie B2B or B2C.

Facebook recommends the best times to post are at weekends when engagement with Facebook is high as Mon-Fri most people are in work however if you're a B2B and targeting owners this might not necessarily be the same result.

You can be as creative as you want to be with the apps/tabs we custom design.  If you have an idea of a customised tab/app for your business let us know what it is and we will create one for you as we can do almost ANYTHING on Facebook Apps within your new Facebook Timeline Fan Page and we mean literally anything !!!  From single promotion apps to a fully fledged website or store (YES you heard that right -  a full website !!! ) or any part thereof, and like gate, invite gate, share gate it, and make your promotion, contest, new product launch, new service or whatever you are marketing or promoting, GO VIRAL and sell on Facebook.

If you would like to book any of our services please call Corrie-Dee Whaite, Corrie D Marketing on Tel 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758.