Last Thursdays Q & A Session on Facebook ended up creating quite a debate.
The question was this - "Which is better for Google juice and SEO Facebook V Twitter?"
It became such a hot topic we ran it over 2 weeks, but we thought we'd convert it into an Interactive Presentation/eBrochure for you and tab it into a Facebook App to allow it to be there forever as a point of reference for our fans as a Facebook post only has a shelf life of 2-3 hours and there was a lot of fantastic information.
Did you know...? YOU could also have a nifty tab presentation/Ebrochure the same as this, which can also include video & SEO links to landing pages on your website etc...
You can read the full Facebook V Twitter document by clicking the following link. Which Is Better for Google juice and SEO Facebook V Twitter
Who would like one of these Interactive Ebrochures to promote your business ? If you would like to book any of our services from SEO, Interactive Ebrochure or even a Multi-Tab App as per the Camden Group Facebook Multi-Tab App contact Corrie-Dee Whaite on 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758.