We are pleased to announce we've won the contract to deliver our Social Media Training Workshops to East Ayrshire Council.
Induction - Wednesday 31st July 2013
Advanced - Thursday 1st August 2013
Time - 9am - 1pm (both days, same delegates on both).
Venue - Rothesay House, 1 Greenhholm Road, Cumnock. KA18 1LH.
Training is FREE to businesses located within East Ayrshire.
Approximately 4-6 weeks later (depending on demand) we will concentrate on 2 further (1/2 day workshops). Purely concentrating on Facebook to the same delegates.
Call NOW - Please contact Carol Andrew (Business Development Advisor, East Ayrshire Council) on Tel 01563 503231 or Mob 07818 511529 as spaces are limited.
Please share this post - Help us get the message out there to business owners in East Ayrshire. Cheers, Corrie & CDM Team :)