Smartphones are -
1. Always switched on.
2. Always with us.
3. Always connected.
4. 39% even use their phone while going to the toilet.*
5. 17% Search for a business after seeing an ad on a mobile device.*
6. 43% Search for your business, after seeing a TV ad.*
Mobile has become the main screen accessed throughout the day and
in turn, Mobile Marketing has developed into -
- A sophisticated, personalised advertising channel
- To reach people when they are browsing in real time
- Via their Mobile on Mobile websites and on Mobile apps.
Via our Online Digital Display Advertising platform, we can insert tracking pixels FREE on your website
so you can re-target any visitors to your site, even if this traffic to your website has come from offline, from Radio, Print or TV Ads we can re-target with online ads, to ensure that your business remain top of mind!
Your ads can appear on any network PLUS ON ANY DEVICE
Your ads appear n desktop, mobile and mobile apps, via our Online Digital Display, Advertising platform.
Delivering your personalised ads, to a specific target audience, targeting demographics ie age/sex/location
Plus we have financial and in the market data too. We can target industries, positions, earnings, financial etc.
We also have B2B data too!!!
This means that when your prospects are reading or searching for your EXACT products and/or services online -
Your adverts will appear on desktop, mobile & on mobile apps,
An online auction takes place and we bid on these eyeballs, often known as real time bidding and YOU only pay 1 penny more.
YES you read that right! ONLY 1p more, than the next highest bidder.
We are in media partners with 22 of the biggest ad exchange platforms in the world, including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL and OpenX to name a few you might have heard of.
If you would like to book any of our services or wish to discuss this further please contact Corrie-Dee Whaite on Tel 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758.
You can view the online presentation on our website
Watch the video here: Google Mobile Marketing Video - Understanding Consumers
*Source (Google Mobile Ads, Understanding Mobile Consumers)