A Blog is hugely important to your business & most business owners often neglect the importance of a Blog.
The main priority is that you have control of your #Blog. IT is yours. Unlike a Facebook page or Twitter account (which you do have degree of control over, but please always bear in mind, it's not yours). Your Facebook page could be closed down or even worse look at what happened to Bebo.. ? Anyone remember it ? Everyone left Bebo in droves to join Facebook.
Your blog is YOURS. You have complete control, unless you don't pay your hosting provider of course! You can utilise your blog to inform your target market (and people who are interested in hearing about your products/services) about any company news i.e. Staff Recruitment/Situations Vacant, Offers, Corporate Days Out, Contracts Won etc.
Google rewards organisations who publish their own content on their blog, as it gives Google these all important "Social Signals" we talk about in our Corrie D Marketing social media training sessions. Google can see the traffic flowing from your blog to your Facebook Page or e.g. Blog to your organisations Twitter account or any other social media networks to your blog etc. By using "Key Words" it also helps with your organic #SEO.
All of the websites we design & develop come with a FREE Blog as standard. Remember the 3 E's of #SocialMediaMarketing -
1 #Educate
2 #Entertain
3 #Engage
We also have professional journalists on our team who can ghost write your copy content for your blog (if you don't have the time and would prefer us to do this for you). OR if perhaps you have a subject you feel is a little bit boring...? You'd be surprised how many businesses owners we speak to on a daily basis who think their business isn't sexy enough to warrant having a Blog they believe that no-one would be interested in reading their company news etc. In fact very recently we heard feedback which ranges from an example of recent conversations :- e.g. "We supply stationery to businesses but we think this subject is boring and no-one is interested eg when Biro release a new pen they don't write a blog about it! Plus we don't really know what to write."
Sound like you? Our team of journalists can help!
Social Signals
If you have ever taken our social media training workshops or attended any of our courses you will already be aware of those all important "Social Signals" as Google rewards traffic flowing from your Blog to your Facebook page and your Twitter to your Blog etc. You will also know which social networks have THE BEST Social Signals on the web. If you would like to attend any of our training sessions we offer group training or we also offer a more intensive 121 personalised training sessions tailored and structured to suit your individual business.
Remember the 3 E's of social media marketing - Educate, Entertain & Engage!
Social Media Training
CDM (Corrie D Marketing) offer a number of social media training workshops each lasting four hours (morning or afternoon sessions). OR two can be delivered within one day (eight hours). These can be tailored to suit your individual business needs (if required) and can be delivered within your premises to multiple employees. If venue hire is needed we have many venues we have delivered sessions in, which we can hire if requested.
Workshops Overview
Introduction To Social Media Workshop
Advanced Social Media Workshop
Facebook Marketing Masterclass 1 (hand on classroom based)
Facebook Marketing Masterclass 2 (hands on classroom based)
We will be running a number of these in various venues in 2014 throughout Ayrshire and Glasgow. We also deliver these within your premises throughout the whole of Scotland.
Facebook Groups
We're always banging on about the importance of Facebook Ads however if you don't have a Facebook Groups we recommend you should create at least one of these. Target your family, friends, work colleagues etc. Within your "niche" who have a joint beliefs/values/interests.
Once you've created the group add your friends (it's important to remember that only people can create and post to groups). However you can post links to your business pages. You can post information, polls and chat to everyone at once.
Facebook Ads
FacebookAds is a highly targeted and cost effective advertising platform and is one of the best social networks for social signals on the web. People divulge to Facebook all sorts of information you can target with your Facebook Ad Campaigns i.e. When they got engaged. Expecting a baby, Age, Geographical Location, Books they've read, Films/Movies they've watched, Brands & Celebrities they like. What do you think this means for your business ... If you don't know call us and we can help create and manage your ad campaigns or we offer training. Everything we do is DIY (Do It Yourself) or DFY (Done For You) Fully Managed Service.
With over 1.15 billion users worldwide. 33 million of these are in the UK who check in monthly. 22 million who check in Daily. 70% of these people are visiting via Facebooks Mobile App. What do you think this means to your business if your website is not mobile responsive design? Meaning your copy content does not fit within the size of the browser or device eg Safari and IPhone or Ipad. Windows or Android or any other type of smartphone.
Smartphone Sales (Mobile Revolution)
- 2011-2012 was a record breaking year for the sale of #smartphones (basically a hand held computing device).
- Accounted for 85% of all mobile phone sales.
- 96% of people research a "bricks and mortar" store during the research stage of the buying process.
- 62% will leave your website if they have to scroll horizontally or have to pinch the screen to view your website/copy content.
- Ensure your website is user friendly. We can help!
WE can help! All of the websites we design & develop are fully mobile responsive design. Or if you are happy with your current website and you don't want to go the expense of a new one - We can convert your current website into a fully mobile optimised version.
To find out how we can help your business grow, please contact Corrie-Dee Whaite on Tel 01294 559480 or Mob 07411 170758. Visit our website www.corriedmarketing.co.uk or email info@corriedmarketing.co.uk
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